Initiative and prevention
U.C.P. is a method of security, which exposes a potential assailant in the early stages of planning an attack and also on attack occurrence.
U.C.P. helps to locate, identify and defuse the attackers before they manage to cause damage.
The methods of U.C.P. are based upon applications of similar techniques, applied in major secret services.
In a fast growing security market we offer a unique product.
Security is an existential need and many organizations spend a great deal of money in order to defend their properties and personnel.
Each organization uses different methods of security according to its needs and abilities. But the underlying principle of these methods is that they are all based on reaction.
U.C.P. is a revolutionary product that is based on action and initiation.
U.C.P. prevents the assailant from "shooting the first bullet", and instead puts him in a situation where he is caught by surprise.
U.C.P. erases old concepts in the security doctrines, such as self defense and reaction and exchanges them with new concepts of initiative action, prevention and early neutralization.
U.C.P. is not here to replace the existing methods, but rather to be an additional part, integrated with them, in order to achieve a more comprehensive result.
Afik p.i.a ltd, can offer you that unique product due to many years of experience gained by its officer's whom are all ex special government agents.
Many lives have been saved by dedicated undercover officers.
The offered products:
1. U.C.P. for V.I.P.
Supplying the client with the most dedicated, professional, well trained U.C.P. officers. In addition to that we supply full responsibility for the integration of the U.C.P. team with the existing security team.
2. Training the existing security personnel in U.C.P. methods
On-site training or special courses in Israel.